Engine Repair

Engine Repair Experts

Big Rig Fixer's engine repair ensures your truck and fleet's needs are cared for with our world-class service. Our certified technicians will diagnose and troubleshoot any issue you may have and get your vehicle back on the road in no time.

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Engine Repair
Engine Repair

Engine Repair Services

Our team of experienced technicians is knowledgeable in all aspects of engine repair, from diagnosis to installation. We use only the best parts and equipment to ensure your truck runs at its peak performance. No matter what service you need, we guarantee you'll receive the highest quality care at an affordable price.

Choose Big Rig Fixer to Service Your Engine

At Big Rig Fixer, we understand how important it is for your truck to run correctly. That's why we offer top-notch engine repair services for all makes and models of trucks. Our highly qualified technicians use only the latest technology and tools to diagnose any issues quickly and accurately. Additionally, they'll work hard to ensure your truck runs safely and efficiently using high-quality parts from leading manufacturers.

We promise to treat our clients and business partners with integrity and honesty. Why? When they succeed, everyone wins because it's like a family connection. In addition, we take great pride in being a driving force in the trucking world, so give us a call when you need engine repair for your fleet!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common signs of engine problems?

Common signs of engine problems include low oil pressure, decreased fuel economy, difficulty starting or staying running, strange noises coming from under the hood area (i.e., knocking/ticking), increased emissions levels (i.e., smoke), etc.
If any of these symptoms are present on your vehicle, you must have them checked out as soon as possible before further damage occurs!

What causes engine problems?

The most common causes of engine problems are wear and tear due to regular use & age (i.e., oil leaks or low oil levels), faulty sensors/switches/belts/hoses/plugs/etc., improper maintenance or installation (i.e., not changing the oil regularly enough), excessive heat caused by high RPMs (revolutions per minute) or other mechanical systems running too hot for extended periods, etc.
It is important to note that different vehicles may have other systems & components which can cause different types of engine issues – so having an experienced mechanic check out your rig is essential if you're experiencing any issue with its motor.

How do I prevent future engine issues?

Preventing future engine issues requires regular maintenance & upkeep - such as checking hoses & belts for wear & tear, replacing worn-out components & filters as needed, and adding fresh oil regularly enough based on manufacturer recommendations (usually every 10 - 15k miles for heavy-duty trucks, and 3k - 5k miles for light-duty and smaller vehicles).
Additionally, make sure that any repairs or replacements are done by experienced mechanics who know what they're doing - this will help ensure that everything is installed correctly & functioning properly.

How much does it cost to replace an engine?

The cost of replacing an entire engine can vary greatly depending on the type of vehicle & size/type of motor required. This repair also includes labor costs associated with removing the old motor & installing the new one. It's also important to note that remanufactured engines often come with warranties that can help protect against future breakdowns due to defects in the manufacturing process.

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